Biocatalysts Enzyme Manufacturing Plant
Biocatalysts Enzyme Manufacturing Plant


Delivering taste, texture and functionality is what are known for by food processors in multiple sectors. We are specialised in Dairy, Baking, Brewing, Egg-, Protein-, Carbohydrate-, Lipid- and Fruit & Vegetable modifications.

Enzyme brands that deliver
LIPOMOD®, PROMOD®, FLAVORPRO®, DEPOL®, MILK-O®, NATUZYM®, DELTABREW® and DELTAZYM® tailored enzyme formulations are used as processing aids that provide superior value for positioning final food products. We offer customised microbial precision fermentation services, addressing the latest trends in food processing to manufacture enzymes, proteins and other value-added food ingredients.
Related Products
Amylase 11MDP
Rapid diges­tion of starch designed for use in dietary sup­ple­ment formulations.
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Beta-glucosidase 16L
An exo-car­bo­hy­drase with high beta-glu­cosi­dase activ­i­ty for releas­ing flavour com­pounds from their inac­tive glu­co­side form.
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Catalase 929L
Removal of hydro­gen per­ox­ide used as a pro­cess­ing step to assist ster­il­i­sa­tion of food ingredients.
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Cellulase 13L
A high per­for­mance cel­lu­lase with beta-glu­canase and beta-glu­cosi­dase side activ­i­ties to con­tribute to a com­plete cel­lu­lose breakdown.
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Liq­uid con­cen­trat­ed heat sta­ble alpha-amy­lase for adjunct brewing
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Liq­uid con­cen­trat­ed heat sta­ble alpha-amy­lase for adjunct brewing
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Liq­uid ace­to­lac­tate decar­boxy­lase for faster beer maturation
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DELTABREW® Attenumax
Liq­uid glu­coamy­lase for very high attenuation
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Enzymes: The Eco-Warriors of Food Manufacturing
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28 May 2024
Biocatalysts Ltd Introduce Unique Protease Platform for the Manufacture of High Value Collagen Peptides
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Unlocking the Power of Lipases: Exploring their Versatility
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Application Solution
MILK-O® for dairy processing and preservation
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Biocatalysts Ltd Launch Protease Preparation for the Manufacture of High Value Collagen Peptides
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