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Enzyme Products

We have successfully developed & manufactured enzyme products for applications in food, pet-food, and life science. Select your industry sector and application and choose from our extensive portfolio of enzyme products.

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16 Products
Liq­uid acid pro­tease for fruits & vegetables
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Promod 128L
A micro­bial endopep­ti­dase prepa­ra­tion with broad sub­strate speci­fici­ty for pro­cess­ing extract­ed col­la­gen and gelatin. This enzyme can be used to effi­cient­ly hydrol­yse beef, pork and fish extract­ed col­la­gen and gelatin to increase sol­u­bil­i­ty, reduce vis­cos­i­ty and pro­duce low­er mol­e­c­u­lar weight pep­tides. Pro­mod® 128L has been designed specif­i­cal­ly with a unique com­bi­na­tion of pep­ti­dase activ­i­ties to achieve a high degree of hydrol­y­sis of col­lage­nous material.
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Promod 144GL-ULS100TU
An ultra-low sul­phite papain with a broad speci­fici­ty for the mod­i­fi­ca­tion of pro­tein func­tion­al­i­ty in food ingredients.
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Promod 184MDP
Brome­lain prod­uct with a broad-spec­trum activ­i­ty suit­able for effec­tive hydrol­y­sis and mod­i­fi­ca­tion of plant, ani­mal and dairy proteins.
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Promod 24L
Broad spec­trum neu­tral pro­tease suit­able for improv­ing the sol­u­bil­i­ty of ani­mal and plant pro­teins with par­tic­u­lar effec­tive­ness on gluten modification.
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Promod 295L
Broad sub­strate speci­fici­ty endo­pro­tease to pro­duce non-bit­ter neu­tral tast­ing col­la­gen pep­tides. A unique com­bi­na­tion of pep­ti­dase activ­i­ties to achieve a high degree of hydrol­y­sis to pro­duce low mol­e­c­u­lar weight pep­tides whilst pre­vent­ing the gen­er­a­tion of unde­sired taste and colour of the col­la­gen dur­ing processing.
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Promod 324L
Micro­bial endo­pro­tease for effi­cient hydrol­y­sis of ani­mal pro­teins includ­ing ten­dons and lig­a­ments to reduce vis­cos­i­ty, increase sol­u­bil­i­ty and improve digestibil­i­ty of the pro­tein. High­ly effi­cient in extrac­tion of chon­droitin sul­phate from col­lage­nous material.
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Promod 327L
High per­for­mance micro­bial endopep­ti­dase for col­la­gen extrac­tion. A cost-effec­tive solu­tion for exten­sive hydrol­y­sis of col­lage­nous mate­ri­als to improve the qual­i­ty and yields of extract­ed collagen.
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Promod 439L
Alka­line pro­tease for achiev­ing pow­er­ful sol­u­bil­i­sa­tion of ani­mal pro­teins to improve their func­tion­al­i­ty and processibility.
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Promod 511MDP
Micro­bial pro­tease prepa­ra­tion for pro­duc­ing full well-round­ed dairy flavours for Enzyme Mod­i­fied Cheese (EMC), can be used in com­bi­na­tion with Lipo­mod and Fla­vor­pro enzymes.
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Promod 517MDP
Broad speci­fici­ty exopep­ti­dase for achiev­ing a high degree of hydrol­y­sis of casein to improve its digestibil­i­ty and solubility.
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Promod 523MDP
High strength brome­lain prod­uct to pro­duce high­ly digestible pro­tein hydrolysates, with par­tic­u­lar effec­tive­ness on pro­duc­ing whey pro­tein hydrolysates suit­able for use in infant formula.
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Regional regulations for use of these enzymes in mentioned applications apply - check with Biocatalysts for latest approval in your region.

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