Biocats website Life Sciences 2
Biocats website Life Sciences 2

Life Science

Speciality manufacturing of diagnostic enzymes from small scale to bulk commercial supply.

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Upscale your unique enzyme
Enzymes used in DNA diagnostics and molecular biology applications have unique specifications and requirements for specialist downstream processing to comply with the precise application parameters. Biocatalysts manufacturing facility houses a suite of downstream processing equipment for improving primary recovery, purification including chromatography, as well as spray- and freeze drying capabilities.
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Mannitol dehydrogenase 93P
In vit­ro diag­nos­tic enzyme for man­ni­tol detec­tion in urine as an indi­ca­tor of gas­tric disorders.
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Phenylalanine dehydrogenase 98P
Neona­tal screen­ing enzyme to per­form phenylke­tonuria screen­ing (PKU) test.
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Proteocut K 909L
Sub­til­isin-type ser­ine pro­tease for use in vari­ety of life sci­ence appli­ca­tions such as the hydrol­y­sis of pro­teins in nucle­ic acid preparations.
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Nuclease 46L
Broad speci­fici­ty food grade endonu­cle­ase for the effi­cient hydrol­y­sis and removal of nucle­ic acids in a wide range of biotech­nol­o­gy applications..
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Improving a Customer's Enzyme Assay to ensure Product Viability
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