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Enzyme Products

We have successfully developed & manufactured enzyme products for applications in food, pet-food, and life science. Select your industry sector and application and choose from our extensive portfolio of enzyme products.

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30 Products
Cellulase 13L
A high per­for­mance cel­lu­lase with beta-glu­canase and beta-glu­cosi­dase side activ­i­ties to con­tribute to a com­plete cel­lu­lose breakdown.
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Depol 283L
Broad-spec­trum car­bo­hy­drase enzyme with a unique com­bi­na­tion of cel­lu­lase, pecti­nase and xylanase activ­i­ties for the effi­cient degra­da­tion of plant tis­sue struc­tures to improve extrac­tion con­di­tions and yields.
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Depol 385L
High per­for­mance beta-glu­canase enzyme, suit­able for effec­tive hydrol­y­sis of beta-glu­cans in plant mate­r­i­al to reduce vis­cos­i­ty and improve extractions.
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Depol 793L
A mul­ti-func­tion­al enzyme con­tain­ing beta-glu­canase, pecti­nase and cel­lu­lase activ­i­ties to deliv­er max­i­mum mac­er­a­tion of plant tis­sues for a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent applications.
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Flavorpro 373MDP
Micro­bial endo­pro­tease prepa­ra­tion con­tain­ing a high lev­el of glu­t­a­m­i­nase side activ­i­ty for savoury uma­mi flavour gen­er­a­tion and improved pro­tein sol­u­bil­i­ty and digestibility.
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Flavorpro 795MDP
Endopep­ti­dase, exopep­ti­dase and glu­t­a­m­i­nase activ­i­ties for the hydrol­y­sis of wheat and soya to improve pro­tein sol­u­bil­i­ty and digestibil­i­ty and the enhance­ment of savoury flavour profiles.
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Flavorpro 848MDP
A micro­bial 5’-Phosphodiesterase for effi­cient hydrol­y­sis of RNA from dif­fer­ent types of yeast to improve the flavour of yeast extracts.
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Flavorpro 91MDP
Fun­gal exopep­ti­dase prepa­ra­tion use­ful for its deb­it­ter­ing action in pro­duc­ing Enzyme Mod­i­fied Dairy Ingredients.
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Flavorpro 937MDP
A fun­gal exopep­ti­dase prepa­ra­tion suit­able for the hydrol­y­sis of dairy, ani­mal and plant pro­tein sub­strates, used to decrease hydrolysate bit­ter­ness and pro­mote pos­i­tive flavour generation.
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Flavorpro 954MDP
A micro­bial deam­i­nase for the con­ver­sion of 5’Adenosine monophos­phate into the strong flavour enhancer inosinic acid for the pro­duc­tion of nucleotide rich yeast extracts.
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Flavorpro Umami 852MDP
Micro­bial pro­tease prepa­ra­tion for the high release of glu­tam­ic acid from dairy, meat and plant pro­tein sources to pro­duce a strong uma­mi flavour.
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Glucanase 5XL
A broad spec­trum car­bo­hy­drase with high lev­els of glu­canase activ­i­ty suit­able for achiev­ing sig­nif­i­cant vis­cos­i­ty reduc­tions in a range of dif­fer­ent car­bo­hy­drate mod­i­fi­ca­tion applications.
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Regional regulations for use of these enzymes in mentioned applications apply - check with Biocatalysts for latest approval in your region.

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